Dear Dr. Biner My wife wants to know your thoughts on Testosterone build up in caves. She claims that MALE cavers exude testosterone in confined spaces of caves and that this has influenced her to do more dangerous climbs and other stuff! I have never noticed this but she claims to have seen the vapor trails coming off male cavers as they free climb domes, slide accross the lips of pits, and lassoo stalagmites while holding on one-handed to muddy ledges. Any help would be appreciated. Well thats about it. I'm gonna go back to watching my favorite info-mercials now. Is it true the answers you give are worth double the price of the questions? i thought so. Cave Softly and Eat Mo' Possum, Mr. and Ms. Anthrope ----- Dear Anthropes, Actually my answers are priceless, or worthless, depending on if you are one of those people who leaves obscene messages on my answering machine or not. Not only do male cavers exude a healthy quantity of testosterone, but in most caving situations where women are present, the male members will outnumber the women and will thus have between them more estrogen than the women have in their bodies. Neither substance has to do with scooting around the edge of pits and lassoing stalagmites, however. People that scoot around pits do so just because it feels good, and those that lasso phallic-looking formations are acting out subconcious speleo-sexual conflicts that probably began in their early teens. But there's nothing wrong with a little healthy angst. The problem in all the exuded hormonic gases comes when the two mix and create a gas called "testostrogen". This can cause a condition known as PMTST (pre-menstral testicular survey thwarting) which creates discrepencies in survey data, and causes the passage to retain water. Dr. Biner